Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Lift your pinkies ladies, it's tea time

Philadelphia, Pa- I've been drowning in a sea of vegetables this summer. My CSA (community supported agriculture) pickup every Tuesday leaves me conducting a full-scale veggie Olympics each Tuesday evening, trying to make use of everything in my share. This week from Henry Got Crops! Farm, I picked up scallions, kohl rabi, rainbow carrots, rainbow chard, lettuce mix, cherry tomatoes, mint and I'm sure I'm forgetting something else.

What I've been doing is making a huge salad every week and keeping it in the fridge to eat portions of each day. I also sliced up some beets from last week's share, along with summer squash and scallions,  whipped up some eggs with pepper to create a kind of veggie casserole, topping it off with  homeemade bread crumbs. I baked it for an hour with foil at 350 and it came out just right.

I also have all this left over tea from the winter, so for the first time in my life (although my mom's been doing this forever), I made my own iced tea. Boiled about two gallons of water in a big pot and then steeped some mint tea for about eight minutes in it. Let cool, sliced up some cucumbers from the farm and have two growlers of it sitting in my window sill. Mmmmmm.

Oh I hear it someone's birthday this week- Happy 30-something Restaino :-)

1 comment:

  1. Sun tea with cucumbers, that's a new one. How long can you keep the cucumbers in there?
